SUSU International Students Take Care of Environment

SUSU is one of the most famous and important universities in the South Ural. SUSU can give future scientists lots of opportunities to carry out research in different fields of science. It has 3 strategic research directions and one of them is ecology.

As today's students are tomorrow's leaders, it is important for youth to learn about how to protect the environment. Implementing different projects is an educational and fun way to be proactive in terms of the environment. Students have a crucial role to play to help save the environment. While giving priority to classes, examinations, and busy schedules, they should also take steps to become custodians of the environment.

To help the environment and to ensure clean university grounds, volunteers or administrative staff usually host clean-up days. A clean-up day involves picking up litter on the sports ground, removing trash on the campus, and picking up trash on nearby roads and sidewalks. Landscaping projects, such as pulling weeds in flower beds outside of the building, are also part of the clean-up day.

It is all the more important as responsible habits established in the early phase of life tend to stick with us for a long time. They should aim at saving the Earth’s natural resources. Then only it can meet our demands to help us live with enough light, water, heat and food.

South Ural State University is a home for students from 58 countries. They keep their traditions and share them with other people. Three years ago especially in Sri Lankan New Year for Sri Lankan culture and traditions lots of SUSU students (Sri Lankan, Indian, most South Asian) went together and did environmental cleaning project.

“On New Year’s Eve people should do general cleaning of the house. As Sigma is our Russian home we decided to clean it to thank nature for the clean air and water. We love SUSU and want it to be beautiful. What we do is more like “subbotnik” in Russian. We decided to continue it every year and do it in April or May.  We choose areas around the university and out of the city also. Last year we went to Kopeisk orphan house and did lot of activities for the kids and did cleaning around the house. We collected plastic bags and plastic bottles”, shares UvinduWijeweera, the President of the SUSU Association of International Students.

We all need to imbibe respect for Mother Nature as it gives us everything we need to lead a happy, healthy existence. Alas, we have forgotten to have gratitude for what Nature has given us. So, instead of spending too much time watching TV or playing indoors, let’s spend more and more of your time in the lap of Nature. There are many great things that you can do outside like playing a sport, taking your dog for a walk, going to the beach or planning an outdoor game with the neighborhood kids. You’ll feel great playing out in the fresh air without causing any damage to the environment.


Let us remind that foreign citizens who have some questions connected to visa procedures can learn all the details regarding the documents by calling 8 (351) 267 93 30 or asking a question on Facebook.

If you want to get a prestigious degree at SUSU in English you may read about English-taught programs by clicking the link.

In the official group of South Ural State University on Facebook you may read the last news of the university or ask your questions.

Or just contact us:

International Student Support at the SUSU International Office

Email: applicant[at]susu[dot]ru

Tel.: 8 (351) 272 30 86

Valentina Metelyova, photos from Uvindu Wijeweera’s archive
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