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Student from Germany will study marketing at SUSU Trade and Economic Faculty

Within the framework of international exchange program a student from Germany Marina Stang who contacted SUSU International Department in 2012 will study for one semester at Trade and Economic Faculty.

In Germany Matina studies at Fachhochschule Flensburg (Flensburg University of Applied Sciences), Faculty of

Week devoted to presentations of joint Master's Program of SUSU and Clark University

Russian Science Day at SUSU

In our country on February 8 Russian Science Day is celebrated. In the scientific center of South Ural State University there will be several events devoted to this day at once. 

Faculty of Journalism: winter school in Prague – excellent!

Within the framework of Winter School of Journalism the group of professors and students of SUSU Faculty of Journalism with the support of Institute of International Education program underwent two week international internship in Prague.

At SUSU Faculty of Journalism Stalingrad history is revived in the students' radio performance

Within the framework of All-Russian multimedia festival of students' creativity "Stalingrad 3.0" SUSU Radio Studio is working at the creation of a students' performance based on the history of Stalingrad Battle.

The main purpose of the project created by SUSU Radio Studio is the patriotic upbringing of young radio listeners and the motivation to study the history of their Motherland.

"The Funny and Inventive" from SUSU were distinguished at KiViN Festival

From January 15 to 27 in Sochi the International Festival of KVN teams "KiViN-2013" was held. The students from South Ural State University showed very good results.
Following the results of "KiViN" the future of more than six hundred teams was determined. The winners gained the right to participate in the TV leagues of International KVN Union (Major, Premier and First Leagues) and the teams with higher rating were included without selection into the official leagues of that popular game.

Dmitry Yun, student of Trade and Economic Faculty, is a budding star of boxing

The material about Dmitry Yun, student of group 381 of Trade and Economic Faculty and master of sports (boxing), has been published in the information bulletin "Chelyabinsk Sports" which is issued with the support of Chelyabinsk Region Government and Chelyabinsk City Administration.

Regional Festival of puppet design "Gold Key"

January 23 at 14:00 in Art Hall of South Ural State University the Regional Festival of puppet design "Gold Key" will be opened.
The organizers of the festival together with SUSU are the Ministry of Education and Science of Chelyabinsk Region, Municipal Institution of Additional Education of children Palace of Pioneers and School Children named after N.K. Krupskaya of Chelyabinsk.

Doors Open Day at Mechanical and Technological Faculty

On February 9 (Saturday) at 15:00 in room 121a of SUSU main building Doors Open Day of Mechanical and Technological Faculty of South Ural State University for school children, college and technical school students, university graduates and their parents will take place.

Event Program:

1. Presentation of the Faculty Departments.

2. Current information of Admission 2013:

Olga Shabalina, Associate Professor of Marketing Communications Department of Trade and Economic Faculty completed the program of academic mobility at Mount St. Mary's University (Maryland, USA)

January 22 Olga Shabalina, Associate Professor of Marketing Communications Department, International Business Coach in marketing, Candidate of Science (Philosophy), Professor of Mount St. Mary's University (Maryland) came back from the USA. During half a year Olga Ivanovna was giving a course of lectures in International Marketing  and International Advertising at Mount St. Mary’s University,  Maryland,  USA.

John Rutherford, USA Consul for Political and Economic Affairs will hold seminar for SUSU students "Right for Intellectual Property"

On February 4 John Rutherford, USA Concul for Political and Economic Affairs, will visit SUSU. Mr. Rutherford will hold a seminar "Right for Intellectual Property" for the students of Law and Trade and Economic Faculties.

The seminar will take place at 15:00 in room 1007 of SUSU main building.

Everybody is welcome to participate at the seminar!


Royce Anderson, Executive Director of International Center of Worcester, will visit SUSU

SUSU and Coca-Cola Hellenic prolonged the cooperation agreement

On Students' Day, January 25, South Ural State University and Coca-Cola Hellenic company signed the cooperation agreement for 2013-2015. Within the framework of this agreement Coca-Cola Hellenic company and SUSU continue the realization of joint programs for the support of talented students, graduates and young scientists.

At Trade and Economic Faculty Tatiana's Day was held online for the first time

Festivous performance at SUSU Technological College

On January 25 at 14:00 at SUSU Technological College the festivous event "Star Olympia - 2013" dedicated to Tatiana's Day will take place.

SUSU participates in Journalism School in Prague

From January 20 the students of SUSU Journalism Faculty have been staying in Prague. These are the trainings of already known since last year winter Journalism School.

SUSU Photo School invites young and creative people to sink into photography world

SUSU Photo School opens its doors for the young and creative people again who would like to sink into the photography world.
Here the students study the fundamentals of photography art, studio shooting and how to work with professional graph editors.  
Highly topical program, experienced professors, warm and friendly atmosphere help the students to realize their thoughts and feelings through a photo.

SUSU student met with the President in the Kremlin

Vladimir Putin discussed the questions of physical education and sports development at the higher educational institutions with the representatives of students' sport clubs. The meeting was attended by Ildar Kharisov, University Campus sport organizer and fourth-year student of SUSU Power Engineering Faculty.

Victory in All-Russian Students' Competition of business projects "Sochi Heritage - 2014"

On January 25, 2013 in Moscow the final stage of All-Russian Students' competition of business projects "Sochi Heritage - 2014" took place. The initiators of the competition are Organising Committee "Sochi 2014" and PwC Administration (PricewaterhouseCoopers).

English Language Diploma for 1 year!

Linguistics and International Communication Department of South Ural State University announces the admission to the following additional education programs:
  • English Language and International Communication
  • International Communication and Translation
  • Translator in the Sphere of Professional Communication

Events of the first week at Clark University (news from Worcester)

Two students of Master of Science in Information Technology, joint Master's program of SUSU and Clark University, started their classes from January 15.

The students chose two courses in the current semester one of which (MSIT 3830 - E-Commerce and E-Business) is attended by a great number of Clark University students. The studying process for the first time is hard though very interesting.
There are some photos of the first days in Worcester attached below.

Clark University was awarded for the best university Internet website

Clark University, SUSU partner, was awarded by CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education) for the best university Internet website, AIR, magazine and advertising materials.

Besides Clark University the following institutions of higher education took part in the competition: Brown University, Boston University, Tufts University, Northeastern University, MIT, Colby College, Boston College, Hampshire College.

Signing of contract between SUSU and OJSC "Chelyabenergosbyt"

On December 26 the agreement between SUSU and OJSC “Chelyabenergosbyt” was signed. According to it for the students of Power Engineering Faculty the scholarship named after Vyacheslav Seredkin will be founded.

The scholarship named after Vyacheslav Seredkin will be paid to the best students and postgraduates of SUSU Power Engineering Faculty on a permanent basis. It will range from 5000 to 7000 rubles per month for five students and postgraduates.

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